Manny Sethi Denounces Supreme Court Decision


U.S. Senate candidate Manny Sethi released a statement Monday about the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the June Medical Services v. Russo case.

Sethi directed his statement especially at Chief Justice John Roberts and his decision to rule in the majority, alongside the more liberal judges.

“Roberts strikes again: he lacks the courage to overturn previous unconstitutional decisions, so he claims precedent,” Sethi said in an emailed statement.

“As a Senator, I will stand firm and ensure Republican nominees actually have the courage to defend the Constitution.”

Abortion opponents vented their disappointment and fury on Monday after the Supreme Court issued a 5-4 decision to strike down a Louisiana law that would have curbed abortion access.

The ruling delivered a defeat to anti-abortion activists, but President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign quickly invoked it as part of a new appeal to voters — signaling its power to motivate religious conservatives who are a key part of his base ahead of November’s election.

Vice President Mike Pence summed up that argument, tweeting that the Supreme Court’s decision made one thing clear: “We need more Conservative justices on the U.S. Supreme Court.” Underlining his case, Pence added “#FourMoreYears.”

Top pro-Trump religious conservatives noted pointedly that both justices he named to the high court dissented from Monday’s decision, aligning with Pence in making the case that Trump should get another term in office to potentially tap more conservative nominees.

The Rev. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life and a member of Trump’s Catholic voter outreach effort, said the president’s “two appointees voted the right way” in supporting Louisiana’s ability to require doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

“Once again this ruling underscores the importance of elections,” Pavone said in a statement. “We need a solid pro-life majority on the Supreme Court to uphold the rights of women and the unborn.”

Johnnie Moore, an evangelical adviser to the Trump administration, said the decision could help motivate anti-abortion activists to vote to reelect the president.

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Elana Schor reports for The Associated Press. Tennessee Star investigative journalist Chris Butler contributed to this report. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].




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3 Thoughts to “Manny Sethi Denounces Supreme Court Decision”

  1. William Delzell

    Sethi, who do you think you are? As a man, you cannot get pregnant unless you are Arnold Schwarzenegger in KINDERGARTEN COP. You had better we willing to take care of these unwanted pregnancies with your lavish wealth.

    Secondly, as you yourself are descended from the Asian continent in India, you should be careful not to attack your fellow Asians from China or to attack those from Central America who attempt to enter our country to escape human rights abuses in their home countries that the U.S. played a major role in instigating in the first place.

    Xenophobia has a funny way of being unpredictable. One day, it targets one particular group like the Chinese; but the next day, it could target other nationalities such as your Indian heritage.

    Be careful what you wish for, Sethi. It might come true.

    1. Jim

      William, with such a seemingly deep and profound understanding of world history and geography, I’m surprised that you don’t have your own column or publication so you could further enlighten us with your wisdom. Or is it against HOA regulations to run that kind of operation from your parents basement?

      A least Sethi has the testicular fortitude to openly stand up for his believes.

      1. Bill

        William, since you support same sex marriage and trans gender you must think men can get pregnant. How could the human race reproduce otherwise? Your apparent support for immorality, depravity, and now murder of the innocent is unprecedented. It’s obvious you’re merely trolling against those who are upright in their beliefs because you have what the word of God calls a seared conscience. I’ll pray for you.
